Let’s start with a Sunday afternoon tour of Wyuka Cemetery!

Sunday’s tour will begin at Rudge Memorial Chapel (1935-1938), just inside the cemetery’s main entrance at 3600 ‘O’ Street.

PAL Members and Friends

The Preservation Association of Lincoln invites you, family, and friends to a free guided walking tour of Lincoln’s historic Wyuka Cemetery, led by Ed Zimmer, retired Historic Preservation Planner who advocated for and championed historic preservation interests and goals for many years while working in the Lincoln/Lancaster County Planning Department.

PAL is collaborating with the Wyuka Historical Foundation for this tour, which will begin at 2:00 PM on Sunday, May 1. The tour launches a series of PAL events in May, a month designated annually as “Preservation Month” by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

Wyuka Cemetery was established as the state cemetery by the Nebraska Legislature in 1869. As one of the oldest and most historically significant cemeteries in Nebraska, Wyuka was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1982. In addition to its distinctive design features, Wyuka is known for numerous notable interments.

The Wyuka website describes the cemetery as follows:

“Wyuka Cemetery, a nationally recognized historic cemetery, has been a vital living part of Lincoln’s history since its founding. With its rolling hills, shady trees, sparkling pond and spectacular plantings, Wyuka Cemetery is considered one of the most magnificent examples of landscape architecture and design in Nebraska. In addition, it is literally a museum without walls. It features statuary art and monumental architecture, historical tributes to Lincoln families, civil war veterans and ordinary citizens.”

PAL Board